2008년 3월 28일 금요일

Countdown to iPhone 2.0

Countdown to iPhone 2.0
Citing ambitious production plans, observers eye a big June debut of Apple's next generation iPhone.
By Scott Moritz, writer

MARCH 28, 2008: 4:40 PM EDT
(Fortune) -- Apple is gearing up for a big bump in sales of the next generation iPhone, if new production plans are any guide.
The plans show the faster iPhone will be rolling off the assembly line this summer. The initial order calls for 11 million iPhones to be built this year, with that total split between the existing 2.5G phone and the upgraded 3G phone, according to people familiar with the plan.
Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) appears to be targetting a June introduction of the 3G version of the phone, roughly a year after the original iPhone's debut. And similar to last year, Apple seems to be scheduling a limited initial supply to be followed by more phones in the fall quarter.
Observers are split on how to interpret the plans however.
Bank of America analyst, Scott Craig, who put out a research note Friday dissecting the Apple production plans, says the order indicates a significant production increase. If true, this could provide a surprise boost to the company's numbers. BofA expects 8 million iPhones will get sold this year, and if the 3G model is successful, every additional million beyond their projection translates to about $400 million in added sales and 12 cents per share - or 2% - more in profit.
But other analysts familiar with Apple's order patterns say the production reports are typically overestimated by the company, largely to keep component suppliers fully stocked should demand take off. By this reckoning, Apple will probably make about half of the 11 million iPhones the initial production plan calls for. It will probably have about one million 3G phones ready at launch and 4 to 5 million to follow later this year, says one analyst.
The curious part of the upcoming 3G iPhone introduction is just how Apple plans to handle the older iPhone. The new phone will operate on AT&T's (T, Fortune 500) faster network giving a big speed boost to mobile Internet users. The new phone will also be packed with more features including GPS navigation. Apple will clearly have a big price tag on the new phone, and observers speculate that the older version - which fetches $500 for the larger memory model - will likely get another price cut.
With two premium phones in the market, Apple is looking at a potentially robust second half sales spree. But the Cupertino, Calif. gadget giant will not have the field entirely to itself. Several phone makers are introducing touchscreen phones aimed at the iPhone this year. Sony Ericsson dazzled fans at recent gadget shows with a prototype of its upcoming Xperia phone, a touchscreen design with a slide-open keyboard. Another prototype that is a dead-ringer for the iPhone is Garmin's (GRMN) nuvifone, a GPS touchscreen device with a phone built in.
And probably the most hotly anticipated new smart phone in the wings is Research in Motion's (RIMM) 9000 BlackBerry. Though RIM acknowledges that a new BlackBerry is in the works, there have been scant few details available about its design. It will most likely include a touchscreen and easily be regarded as a sweet piece of handcandy for BlackBerry loyalists.

my opinion
In America, people interest in a 3G Phone. It is a new technology in mobile. New technology change the way of life. Especially, the 3G phone can change the whole telecommunication system. Few years ago, it is very hard to find the mobile in the world. Just few business man use carphone. But the new telecommunication technology change whole world. In Korea, the most of middle school students use mobile. If 3G will generalize in the world, it will change our life again.
The new technology has a disadvantage. Until the technology generalizing, it is very hard to make profit. Because, it need a new infra structure. Therefore, apple wants to succes in2nd generation of iphone. They have a quick advertisement strategy. Necessarily, the advertisement change mind of people to like this technology and let them know about the advantage of new iPhone.
The forerunner of mobile industry is Korea. Korea already starts 3G phone system. The telecommunication companies in Korea have developed many new technologies. For example, the representative technologies are 3G phone and CDMA. CDMA had successed in Korea, after then this technology generalized in the world.
However, the 3G technology is in translation period. Many people are guessing the failure of 3G phone. I think, Apple has to survey the Korean market. Apple can guess their products’ future, and they can make new strategies of the Iphone.
Attached more, I read that Iphone offers a many comvenience service and function. It can make the product more attractive, but it’s not enough. These kinds of services are easy to follow. I think Apple’s Real segment point is design and brand image. Not only the new technology and functions are important, but also it is more essential point that improving the point of strength.

20300174 Nah Kilwoong entry - 3

Hollywood Stars Cancel Plans to Visit Seoul

Hollywood Stars Cancel Plans to Visit Seoul

By Han Sang-hee, Cathy Rose A. Garcia
Staff Reporter
Korean fans will have to wait to meet two high profile Hollywood stars, as Welsh actress Catherine Zeta-Jones and American rocker Alice Cooper have cancelled their visits to Seoul.
The 38-year-old actress was scheduled to visit Korea for the first time as a part of her promotional tour of her new movie ``Death Defying Acts,'' but she had to return to the United States due to health problems.
According to E.ga Pictures, the promoter of the film, the actress felt sick during the Australia promotion, and thought it would be better to drop her schedule and head back to the U.S.
The movie ``Death Defying Acts'' is a romantic thriller that also stars Guy Pearce as the legendary magician, Harry Houdini. Zeta-Jones plays the psychic Mary McGarvie and the two of them get tangled up in a mysterious love story.
The Academy Award winner for her role in the musical movie ``Chicago,'' (2002) Zeta-Jones also starred in ``The Legend of Zorro'' (2005) and is married to Academy Award winner Michael Douglas.
Meanwhile, American rocker Alice Cooper's concert scheduled on Saturday has been postponed.
On its Web site, concert organizer Access Entertainment said Cooper postponed the concert due to personal reasons. There is a possibility the concert will be rescheduled soon. The singer will still hold his concert in Osaka, Japan.
The 60-year old pioneer of shock rock music, was scheduled to perform for the first time in Seoul at the Melon-AX, March 29. One of the best-known rockers of all time, Cooper combines heavy metal music with outrageous theatrics on stage.
Born as Vincent Furnier, Cooper started a band called Alice Cooper. They scored hit songs ``I'm Eighteen" and ``Love it to Death" in the early 1970s, and became known for their stage performances that featured guillotines and a boa constrictor.



Hollywood stars, Catherine Zeta-Jones and American rocker Alice Cooper, cancel their plans to visit Seoul. Zeta-Jones cancels her plan because of her sickness. Alice Cooper postponed concert in Korea due to personal reason, but this singer will have the concert in Osaka, Japan.

My opinion
Hollywood stars had plans to visit Korea, but many stars canceled or postponed their plans due to personal reasons, schedule problems. However, these stars always visited Japan. I could not understand why these stars did not come my country. Japan is better than Korea? Korea has valuable traditional culture and Seoul is the one of the best cities in the world. So, what is the reason that many world stars do not want to visit Korea. I think the most reason is that Korea is not attractive and effective for foreign entertainment companies including Hollywood to sell their products such as movies, music. To overcome these cultural lacks from other countries, we should prepare and provide impressive marketing strategies presenting Korea with foreign entertainment companies. The essential element of marketing to pull foreign entertainment is differentiation. Many foreigner think Korea and Japan are same, and they treat these two countries have same culture. If they can recognize Korea culture has diverse and special culture contents, foreign entertainment companies have specialized advertisements and strategies fitting Korea.

20600517 Lee, yong jae - entry 3

Toyota to sell cars in Korea next year

Toyota Motor Corp., the world's second-largest automaker, will begin selling Toyota brand cars in Korea next year, challenging Hyundai Motor Co.'s dominance of the market.
The automaker will introduce the Camry sedan, RAV4 sport utility vehicle and Prius hybrid car, with the aim of selling 500 vehicles a month, it said yesterday. Toyota already sells luxury Lexus brand cars in South Korea, Asia's fourth-biggest economy.
Sales of foreign cars in Korea surged at seven times the pace of domestic models last year, led by demand for Honda Motor Co.'s CR-V sport utility vehicle. With the introduction of mid-range models, Toyota aims to win customers from Hyundai and affiliate Kia Motors Corp., which account for about three-quarters of the country's auto sales.
"The launch of the Japanese carmakers' flagship models will give Hyundai a hard time," said Kim Jae-woo, an analyst at Mirae Asset Securities Co. in Seoul. "The introduction of these cars will leave Hyundai little room for price hikes in its most profitable market." Kim rates Hyundai as "buy."
Imported cars accounted for 5.1 percent of Korean auto sales last year, with luxury sedans from Lexus, Nissan Motor Co.'s Infiniti brand and Honda accounting for a third.
"The imported vehicle market is a tiny portion of overall sales in Korea, but the growth is phenomenal," Hirofumi Yokoi, an analyst at CSM Worldwide, said by phone from Tokyo.
Adding cars in Korea may help Toyota in its bid to surpass General Motors Corp. as the world's biggest carmaker. The company aims to boost global sales 5 percent this year, amid slowing demand in the United States and Japan.
Nissan, Japan's third-biggest carmaker, and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. both plan to introduce cars under their main brands in Korea this year. Honda brand vehicles entered the market in 2004.
(Bloomberg) 2008.03.21

Toyota Motor Corp., the world's second-largest automaker, will begin selling Toyota brand cars in Korea next year. The automaker will introduce the Camry sedan, RAV4 sport utility vehicle and Prius hybrid car, with the aim of selling 500 vehicles a month. With the introduction of mid-range models, Toyota aims to win customers from Hyundai and affiliate Kia Motors Corp., which account for about three-quarters of the country's auto sales.
Adding cars in Korea may help Toyota in its bid to surpass General Motors Corp. as the world's biggest carmaker. Nissan, Japan's third-biggest carmaker and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. both plan to introduce cars under their main brands in Korea this year.

It seems that Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia Motors Corp. have no way to survival. They make lower quality cars than Toyota, and more expensive cars than Chinese automakers.
Now that they get between Japanese and Chinese carmakers, they can breathe no more. So, they should invest on R&D drastically. It will be impossible to get enough results in a short time. Otherwise, they will be behind Japanese and Chinese automakers.
How about introducing JIT(Just In Time) system of Toyota? Toyota relies on the assemble-to-order system instead of the prediction of demands. This system helped Toyota reduce production time and the cost of maintaining materials and finished cars in inventory, while increasing customer service and satisfaction.
Also, creative and impressive commercials can carve their brand on customers’ mind. Car commercials made in Korea are all same. A car is driving on the road of a big city, and a man explains how this car is high-performance. But Toyota is different. It is funny and fresh like a SITCOM, advertising superiority of their products.

20600613 Jeon, Hyejin