2008년 5월 9일 금요일

8 out of 10 visitors to Korea try kimchi: poll

About 84 percent of foreigners said that they tried kimchi while traveling in Korea. Bibimbap ranked second with 62 percent, followed by bulgogi and galbi, with 58 percent and 47 percent. The list of top 10 Korean menus also included "naengmyeon", "samgaetang" and "kimchi jjigae". Kimchi was favored mostly by Russian respondents with 93.7 percent followed closely by Taiwanese and Singaporeans. They tried kimch because the Korean dish is known widely as healthy food and it was included in every Korean menu. Foreigners were generally satisfied with the quality of Korean food and restaurants. However, they had problems with communicating with restaurant servers on selecting menus.

Korea has many things that can attract foreigners. Elegant and refined Hanbok, unique and healthy dishes, ondol(floor heating system) and four seasons. But these are not being used for tourist attractions properly. Dishes in this news story are also tourist attractions. How can we use these attractions?
Foreigners visited in Korea, tried Korean dishes. But making dishes firsthand will give them more fun. Kimchi has unique and complex process to make. First, pickle cabbages, and the cabbages are mixed with many spices like ginger, hot pepper, garlic and salted shrimp, etc. Events making kimchi are held sometimes. But because they are not regular, many foreigners can’t experience ‘making kimchi’. So, we need to provide visitors fixed place and time to make kimchi or Korean dishes.
Second, provide them luxury and elegant eating experience. Bulgogi and galbi are favored by foreigners. But, when they try it, their dresses are impregnated with bad smell. So the eating experience can be disagreeable experience. To solve this problem, restaurant should be well equipped with ventilating system. And the restaurants should provide cultural experience thorough traditional décor, uniforms that simplified Hanbok and traditional liquor in traditional bottle, etc. It is necessary to employ bilingual who can speak in English, Chinese and Japanese.
Third, provide them well-being experience thorough Korean dishes. Western dishes are higher-fat and higher-carbohydrates, so many of westerners are overweight and exposed to adult disease. On the other hand, Korean dishes are comprised of vegetables, kimchi and soybean paste. So, Korean dishes are relatively low-fat and have nutrition balance.

Author: Cho Chung-unTitle: 8 out of 10 visitors to Korea try kimchi: poll
Korea Herald. May 3, 2008

7th entry

Biz Stars, Ministers Will Discuss Internet Future

OECD Ministerial meeting including CEOs of many companies and NGOs will be held. CEOs will discuss Internet future for economic advantages. The goal of the OECD ministerial meeting is to make policies for economic growth via the Internet. Most of its Internet policies and other industrial functions were moved to other ministries as part of a government reform plan.
Internet is the most important and valuable option that many companies concentrate on to sell their products or to deliver their values to customer. In these days, many customers buy products through Internet shopping, especially 10s and 20s because Internet is easy for them to see the products they want to buy and the processes of buying is more shorter than direct purchasing. So, companies in competitive market should investigate and be fully aware about characteristics of Internet and customers who are familiar with Internet shopping. Actually, I think Internet market is fit for the young and the profits from Internet is limited and also the problems from Internet world generate. Internet problems are not only that related to the economic attack such as privacy disturbs, but also morality of human. Because of these problems, OECD meeting will be held is an important opportunity to form the standards that establish the steps to solve Internet problems and prepare Internet future. For righteous economic advantages, profits, and Internet value, OECD meeting should be continued and companies must arrange valuable marketing programs because future economy will be led by conqueror of Internet market, Internet culture will be the main stream in the world economy, politics, society, culture. This stream is for each person, too. Therefore, we have to know the outputs from Internet, consider implications we suffer in Internet world. Through these considerations, we can understand Internet future.
Biz Stars, Ministers Will Discuss Internet Future by Cho Jin-seo
May 8, 2008

20600517 Lee, yong jae
