2008년 4월 12일 토요일

Korean Food to Be Served in Space

Korean Food to Be Served in Space

Korean astronaut Yi So-yeon enters the International Space Station in this image from NASA TV, Thursday. Yi is scheduled to return to Earth on April 19 with Expedition 16 crew members ― commander Peggy Whitson and flight engineer Yuri Malenchenko. / Reuters-Yonhap
By Jane Han
Staff Reporter
Space food history will be rewritten this weekend, when South Korea's first astronaut, Yi So-yeon, treats her colleagues to kimchi, steamed rice and red pepper paste on the International Space Station (ISS) today, her fifth day in space.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said Friday that Yi and two Russian cosmonauts aboard the space station will dine on 10 different foods and beverages prepared for the space mission on Saturday, the anniversary of the first-ever space flight, manned by Yuri Gagarin.
Doenjang (fermented bean) soup, instant noodles and sujeonggwa (cinnamon punch) are among the selections brought by Yi. The 29-year-old will continue to enjoy Korean food ― all bacteria-free ― during her remaining mission, which will end April 19.
Yi boarded the ISS two days after lifting off from the Baikonur launch pad in Kazakhstan Tuesday night. As of Friday 4 p.m., the space station was cruising over the western coast of Australia at 27,720 kilometers per hour, 340 kilometers above the earth.
The real-time location of the ISS can be checked online via the NASA Web site.
The space station will be visible from South Korea with the naked eye twice this weekend (from 9:11 p.m. to 9:14 p.m. Saturday and 7:57 p.m. to 8:03 p.m. Sunday), according to the Korea Astronomy & Space Science institute. Information is available at www.kasi.re.kr.
``The view Sunday evening is expected to be clear,'' said KARI official Lee Dong-joo. ``It will be exciting to see our first astronaut flying above us.''
Yi, a bioengineer who is the second Asian female in space, is set out to complete 18 assigned experiments while orbiting before returning to earth next Saturday.
NASA said Thursday that astronauts aboard the ISS will participate in a 30-minute news conference from orbit on April 15.
Korean astronaut Yi So-yeon enters the International Space Station in this image from NASA TV, Thursday.
South Korea's first astronaut, Yi So-yeon, treats her colleagues to kimchi, steamed rice and red pepper paste on the International Space Station (ISS) today.

I think Korea has good location in competitive world by sending her, Yi, to the space because that means South Korea can be one of the dominant countries in astrology. We should consider our attitude toward world trend, which eventually means that marketing of our country will be more important than before. Actually, 2002 world cup is considered Japan world cup by foreigners. This result is from the weakness of marketing of our country. So, we can use our traditional food, culture, clothes, and so on as Kimchi in the space.
5th entry 20600517 Lee, yong jae

2008년 4월 11일 금요일

KT to Make Profit From Green Business in 2012

KT to Make Profit From Green Business in 2012

By Cho Jin-seo
Staff Reporter

Telecom giant KT plans to groom ``green business'' as one of its new growth engines in the next four years.

The firm said that developing IT solutions for public and private environment projects and recycling network equipment will be the most plausible business models. Furthermore, it can possibly start renewable energy businesses using its vast real estate all over the country, officials said.

``We have a social responsibility of adopting environment-friendly policies. But we are also preparing for it as a business opportunity.'' Lee Woo-moon, director of KT's assets planning department, said in an interview with The Korea Times on Monday.

``We are considering selling energy saving products and services, and recycling network equipment. We can also use our properties for the power generation business,'' said Shon Yil-kweon, manager of the department.

KT is the dominant telephone and broadband Internet service provider in Korea. Though the telecom or Internet firms may look cleaner than traditional manufacturing and chemical industries, they do consume increasing amounts of electricity and other resources, which means more green house gas emissions and more pollution from power plants.

Everyday offices, data centers and other facilities of KT consume about 0.5 percent of electricity and more than 0.3 percent of piped water that Korea produces. The electricity bill comes to around 140 billion won a year.

Formerly a public company, KT also possesses numerous buildings and other real estate all over the country, of which the book value amounts to 7 trillion won. The lands and buildings can be utilized in saving or even producing renewable energy, Sohn said.

As a first step, the firm has been operating a cogeneration plant in its R& D center in southern Seoul since 2005, which produces electricity and heat used there. New buildings are now constructed with energy-efficient lighting and air-conditioning equipment, and some of them have solar panels though its capacity is far less than what the company's 37,000 employees use.

Such activities gave the firm 1 billion won in tax rebate from the government, which returns 10 percent of investment made in purchasing eco-friendly or energy-saving equipment.

``Korea will be included in the Kyoto Protocol in 2009, so if we are not ready for it, we will be in a very difficult situation,'' Lee said.

Experts agree that Korean firms should take a more active attitude in dealing with environmental issues.

``While the green movement has existed for several decades, corporate mindsets have evolved over time, from obligation toward opportunity,'' said Shanton Wilcox, director of consulting firm Archstone, in last week's conference in Seoul. ``It is important to stay ahead of energy and climate change legislation and regulations.''

KT's role model is GE, the U.S. industrial giant, which has successfully positioned itself as one of greenest companies over the past few years under the leadership of Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt.

``Ecomagination'' has been GE's corporate slogan since 2005. The U.S. firm expects $20 billion in sales of energy-efficient and environment-friendly machinery and services in power generation, desalination and other manufacturing sectors.

GE's case was brought up in KT's Environmental Management Committee meeting last Friday. Nine executive members of the committee agreed to make the green business one of KT's growth engines by 2012.

As a short-term goal, the firm is now trying to be included in Dow Jones Sustainability Index this year. Launched in 1999, the index tracks leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide. An inclusion in it will be considered as a certificate of being a green company and will thus have a positive effect on the firm's stock price, KT's Lee says.

``We have conducted internal research last year, and we are working to join the index this year,'' he said.


My opinion

Kyoto Protocol is a global agreement about greenhouse gas emission. Nowadays, world is getting hot. This effect makes an iceberg melting, and generates abnomal weather. These problems spoil the world. Kyoto Protocol is the world saving project.
Following the Kyoto Protocol, most of the companies prepare a plan for protection of natural environment. Especially, KT will start ‘KT’s Green Management Roadmap’. It’s about protecitng earth from the global warming. KT prepare a budget and specific plan like a power saving and campaigns.
This project will increase common benefits. It has a meaning that KT gives an effort for improving civilizions’ life. It is a good for the firm’s image. Consumers consider a company image. It contributes their sales. Esepcially, service firms like KT is more influenced by the company image.
This movement is used for advertisement. For example, Posco always emphasize their clean management, and insert it to video advertisement. The relationship with Pohang citizens is very important to Posco, and this advertisement and campaign improve this relationship. Like a Posco, the most important one for KT is Korean people’s thinking. Because clean image will change the people’s idea that service quility is better. If they start an advertisement inserting the grean movement, it would make that KT is getting closer with a whole Korean people.
I read a text about promotion in last chapter. The promotion is very important. This kind of promotion will improve the firm’s service value physicologically. In the conclusion, this project is win-win strategy. KT makes a better image, and improves common weal.

20300174 Nah Kilwoong - entry 5