2008년 4월 5일 토요일

Acxiom Web-based Segmentation System Adds Scarborough Research Local Market Insights

Press Release Source: Acxiom Corporation
Acxiom Web-based Segmentation System Adds Scarborough Research Local Market Insights
Thursday April 3, 3:59 pm ET

PersonicX VisionScape offers marketers real-time analytical and mapping tools with a wealth of consumer behavior and attitude information
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Comprehensive consumer shopping insights from Scarborough Research are now available in Acxiom® Corporation’s new PersonicX VisionScape™. The Scarborough data, along with consumer data provided by Acxiom, allows marketers to dive deep into the consumer mindset with specifics on behaviors and location characteristics for U.S. markets as measured by Scarborough.
PersonicX VisionScape’s Web-based mapping and segmentation system is Acxiom’s latest innovation in the Personicx® family of household-level segmentation tools. PersonicX is a household-level segmentation system that places U.S. households into one of 70 distinctive segments and 21 life-stage groups based on specific consumer behavior and demographic characteristics.
Using PersonicX’s industry-leading customer-coded system, VisionScape accesses a comprehensive library of consumer behaviors and attitudes using Scarborough Research to build in-depth views of specific markets. Information on consumer markets includes traffic, consumer expenditures, population demographics, channel and media preferences, and more.
“Adding Scarborough’s industry-leading data to PersonicX VisionScape allows marketers to more precisely target their messages based on specific consumer behavior,” said Louis Rolleigh, Acxiom’s consumer segmentation and analysis product leader. “Now, companies can access online their PersonicX-coded data, along with Scarborough data, to make decisions regarding all of their marketing campaigns. With the Scarborough data, marketers can examine consumer behavior unique to a particular city or analyze similarities across markets.”
Marketers can use PersonicX VisionScape to analyze questions such as, “Which consumers are most likely to be attracted to my new product offering?” and “Where is the best location for my new store?” VisionScape allows the easy creation of custom target groups based on PersonicX-coded customer or third-party survey data. In addition, its easy-to-use report generator allows businesses to share critical marketing data with all stakeholders across an enterprise, providing businesses a consistent framework from which to view and respond to the consumer landscape.
“PersonicX VisionScape gives businesses hands-on access to tools that generate immediate, precise and actionable results,” Rolleigh said. “In today’s customer-centric marketplace, it’s a given that understanding your customers will make the difference in whether or not you make the sale.”
About Acxiom Corporation
Acxiom Corporation (Nasdaq: ACXM - News) integrates data, services and technology to create and deliver customer and information management solutions for many of the largest, most respected companies in the world. The core components of Acxiom's innovative solutions are Customer Data Integration (CDI) technology, data, database services, IT outsourcing, risk mitigation, consulting and analytics, and privacy leadership. Founded in 1969, Acxiom is headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, with locations throughout the United States and Europe, and in Australia, China and Canada. For more information, visit www.acxiom.com.
About Scarborough Research
Scarborough Research (www.scarborough.com, info@scarborough.com) measures the lifestyle and shopping patterns, media behaviors, and demographics of American consumers. Products and services include the Media Rating Council (MRC) accredited consumer insight studies in 81 Top-Tier Markets, and a Multi-Market Study. Scarborough Research also has Scarborough USA+ (a national database), Hispanic studies, and custom research solutions among its service portfolio. With more than 30 years of experience, Scarborough measures 2,000 consumer categories and serves a broad client base that includes marketers, advertising agencies, print and electronic media (broadcast and cable television, radio stations) sports teams and leagues, and out-of-home media companies. Surveying more than 220,000 adults annually, Scarborough is a joint venture between Arbitron Inc. (www.arbitron.com) and The Nielsen Company (www.nielsen.com).
Acxiom is a registered trademark of Acxiom Corporation.

Acxiom Corporation
Stacey M. Jones, APR, Public Relations, 501-252-2249
Source: Acxiom Corporation

My opinion
I studied about segmentation last class. So I found something related with segmantation. This article introduces new analysitic tools. It is a great tool for segmentation.
Nowadays, internet is full of data. I can find many things that I want. However, if we don’t have searching sight like a google and yahoo, it is very hard to find. We need information, not wide data. Generally I spend lots of time to arrange the data, not to find data. I think VisionScape help businessman to arrange the data.
Businessmans want making a profit. For this profit, they make 4P strategy. If they sale a new beef cooking machine in India, they must be failed. Profit cannot be earned by not only the new evoluated products, but also strategy. Therefore, businessman should have a strategy. One of the basic of this strategy is market segmentation. It is a first level of making a strategy.
Different people live in the world. They think different way, and they eat diverse things. In the childhood, they like toys, but not in the adults. They want different things, and it’s up to place and time. Therefore, People never buy a product, if they don’t need. Before making a profit, more important one is the offering a value.
As every people has a diverse priority. So their value is not same. If businessman sale a new product, they should find a place where the people like their new product. People consider a price, too. If someone wants to sale a diamond, he would find a place where the rich live.
VisionScrape is a great tool to find place saling a new product. This new tool gives a great help to market segmentation. It easily creates information about segmentaion. In a conclusion, businessmans making a more profit.
Addintionally, VisionScrape is not only good for businessmans’ profit, but also the economical efficiency. Because, it helps that a proper people get a proper goods.

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