2008년 4월 4일 금요일

KTF Puts Up 'Show' at 3G Market

KTF Puts Up 'Show' at 3G Market

Kim Jeong-tae, a 30-something office worker in Seoul, should be one of the happiest people on the planet as last weekend he married a charming bride.
But a concern plagued Kim: his old father, bed-ridden in a distant hospital due to a cancer, was unable to participate in the wedding ceremony of his beloved son.
Kim's tech-savvy friends came to the rescue. One friend visited Kim's father to place a video call to the other friend at the wedding ceremony. The sick father could then witness the marriage via the handset.
This was enabled by third-generation mobile telephony service, dubbed high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) that Korea's No. 2 mobile carrier KTF introduced for the first time.
KTF launched the services, which boast such applications as video calls or videoconferencing, midway through last year and expanded its service area to across the country under the banner of ``SHOW'' in March.
``KTF envisages to open up a new world of communication by enabling close interaction between people through exchange of emotions and feelings on top of simple voice communication,'' KTF CEO Cho Young-chu said.
In less than four months after going nationwide with SHOW, KTF has launched a total of nine HSDPA-dedicated handsets and attracted more than 600,000 subscribers.
KTF vies to sign up approximately 2.7 million users for its HSDPA services this year together with its parent company KT, the nation's foremost telecom carrier.
In fact, KTF goes all-out to take the driver's seat in the 3G HSDPA market because the outfit firmly believes that it will be the mainstream platform of mobile telephony service soon, thanks to its rich features.
HSDPA brings a flurry of fancy applications. On top of video calls, there are Web-to-phone services, convenient mobile payment and easy global roaming.
``KTF hopes to enrich the life style of our valued customers by extending the SHOW service to various convergent areas in education, medical care and financial services,'' Cho said.
``Furthermore, with seamless global roaming and premium multi-media services, KTF endeavors to deliver unique differentiated service experience to each customer,'' he said.

KTF launched the SHOW, applications such as video calls or videoconferencing.
KTF focused on the communication of emotion by enabling close interaction between people through exchange of emotions and feelings.
KTF wants people to enrich the life style of our valued customers by extending the SHOW service to various convergent areas in education, medical care and financial services.

My Opinion
Communication of Emotion is the most important strategy in competitive business world. Many people think emotion is just one feeling, not continuing, but the time that people can accept ‘this product’ is good or not is within seconds. It means most people want strong impact of advertisements, marketing.
Therefore, marketing about some products or companies should touch the emotions, and preceded process is to search people’s taste, characters, so on.

20600517 Lee, yong jae 4th article

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