2008년 5월 11일 일요일

High technology company's global marketing strategy


Samsung LCD TV ranks top in North America. It is a result of first quarter in 2008. Samsung wins in price competition. This top-rank returning is first time from frist quarter of last year. However it is not a convinced, because the market share between 1st and 2nd has slice gap. LCD market has big three companies. They are Samsung, Sony, and Vizio, and their market share is at 12.8 percent, Sony 12.6 percent and 12.5 percent each. After them, LG and Sharp is following. They are in price war. Samsung expects strong sales of its Touch of Color TV series. The firm has a plan to sell 180 units in its LCD TVs and 30 million units of PDP sets globally.

My opinion>

Last class, I learn about global marketing. Samsung wants to global standard using price cutting. Samsung has a price power in the LCD TV market. Therefore the firm makes new model quickly. Because, the firm make new model, they would lower the old model’s price. It is Samsung’s key marketing strategy. Summarizing it, the new technology for early adopters is sold high price and the old one for laggard is sold low price.
We learn much thing about localizaion. I think it is very important for global market. However I think few exceptions are existed. Representative one is high technology products. The high technology products’ key factor is improving technology. Nevertheless, if technology level is similar, avoiding price war is impossible. Accordingly, cost and administration fee are important.
Many high technology manufacturing companies build factory in large market or cheap labor place. This kind of effort can reduce their cost. Surely, it is not enough. Many factors like exchange rate, R&D efficiency, and turnover ratio, etc are important, too.
In a conclusion, Samsung is in a severe war. They consider many factors to keep their market share. This competition’s result will set a standard of LCD TV market. Samsung is third rank when 2003 in global market. They have grown rapidly, and nowadays almost reach the first place. I don’t know the future, but this invisible war will finish. I expect, at that time, Samsung electronics win this war.

References;Author: Lee Sun-young, Title: Samsung LCD TV ranks top in North America: poll Korea Herald(http://www.koreaherald.co.kr). May 9, 2008

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